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Chinese schools with Spanish programs

Since 2007, there are two bilingual sections in China. Each of those sections has a teacher provided by the Spanish Ministry. Vacancies are yearly announced throughout the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. A new section launches in September 2016 in Xian.

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Jinan

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Jinan

Vídeo promocional de la Sección Bilingüe de Jinan

Este vídeo también está disponible en nuestro canal de la plataforma BiliBili Nueva ventana

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Xi’an

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Xi’an

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Ganquan de Shanghai

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Ganquan de Shanghai

Salto de línea

Vídeo promocional de la Sección Bilingüe de Shanghái

Este vídeo también está disponible en nuestro canal de la plataforma BiliBili Nueva ventana

Escuela de Lenguas Extranjeras de Pekín

Colegio de Lenguas Extranjeras de Pekín

Escuela Secundaria de Chengdu

Escuela Secundaria de Chengdu

Chinese schools with Spanish programs

Since 2007, there are two bilingual sections in China. Each of those sections has a teacher provided by the Spanish Ministry. Vacancies are yearly announced throughout the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. A new section launches in September 2016 in Xian.

Chinese schools with Spanish programs

Since 2007, there are two bilingual sections in China. Each of those sections has a teacher provided by the Spanish Ministry. Vacancies are yearly announced throughout the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. A new section launches in September 2016 in Xian.

Chinese schools with Spanish programs

Since 2007, there are two bilingual sections in China. Each of those sections has a teacher provided by the Spanish Ministry. Vacancies are yearly announced throughout the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. A new section launches in September 2016 in Xian.
