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  3. Studying in India


Studying in India

Indian Education System

The Indian constitution expressly states a free education for all children ages 6 to 14 and establishes an education responsibility shared between the Central Government and the States. All levels of education are supervised by the Ministry of Human Resources Nueva ventana through its Higher Education Nueva ventana and School Education and Literacy Nueva ventana.

The educational levels before higher education are as follows:

Higher Education

The tertiary level of education in India consists of the following schooling institutions. University and Higher Education Nueva ventana.

  • Central Universities
  • States Universities
  • Private Universities
  • Deemed to be Universities These are institutions that used to be colleges dependent on a university which, due to their growth in number of students and programs, are in the process of being established as universities.
  • Institutions of National Importance: National Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Science. National Institutes Nueva ventana.
  • Colleges: institutions of higher education which are ascribed to universities.