Spanish Resource Center - Provo

Cuentistas 2023 (XVII edition)

The "Cuentistas" contest is a fantastic opportunity to promote Spanish language and culture through storytelling. This contest is designed so that our students enrolled in grades 6-12 in the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming can demonstrate their narrative and drawing skills and contribute with their story to this annual contest. The Provo Spanish Resource Center (U.S. Department of Education and Brygham Young University) provides opportunities for all students in our area to be proud of their Spanish and enjoy Spanish culture, physically or vicariously.

In this edition, we expect participants to write under the title "An Adventure in Spain". The story can be fictitious, totally or partially invented, or based on personal experiences. Creativity as a whole will be rewarded: originality and ability to engage the reader, as well as an attractive illustration related to the plot of the story.

Fly with your imagination to Spain! Download the rules and attachments to participate, between February 1 and March 31, 2023. This year we have exceptional collaborators (Sylvia Vivanco Extramiana, renowned illustrator and creator of stories who will also be part of the jury, NUALANG, innovative platform for language learning, and Brygham Young University, where our Spanish Resource Center is located) and there will be prizes for the winning students and teachers. We look forward to seeing you!

Cuentistas 2023

Bases Cuentistas 2024

Anexo I (listado de participantes)

Anexo II (consentimiento parental)


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