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  1. The Philippines
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  3. In the Philippines

In the Philippines

Education System in The Philippines

There are three public authorities in charge of education in the Philippines. They are as follows:

  • DepED - Department of Education , for basic education at kindergarten, elementary and secondary levels.
  • TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority , for technical education and skills development.
  • CHED - Commission for Higher Education , for higher education.

Information about the education system in The Philippines:

Spanish in Public High Schools in The Philippines

In school year 2021-2022, 80 high schools from 15 of the 17 administrative regions of The Philippines are implementing Spanish as an elective subject. Those schools have been selected by the Department of Education of the Republic of the Philippines (DepEd) Nueva ventana in order to develop a program of reintroduction of Spanish in public secondary education. Currently, Spanish is taught in 3rd and 4th year of high school, and more than 7,000 students have chosen Spanish as foreign language.
